In the News
The Sunday Times
Things to do in the week ahead: the best podcasts, theatre, comedy and more
by Patricia Nicol - 5/9/21
“This is a brilliant idea, its intention to demystify “how composers compose”.”
The New York Times
Get Dressed With the Postal Service and Listen to Classical Music
by Emma Grillo and Danya Issawi - 5/1/21
“Catch up on “Mission: Commission”…the series follows three composers as they create new classical works from scratch.”
The New York Times
Classical Music Podcasts Begin to Flourish, at Last
by Joshua Barone - 4/21/21
“During the past year, established shows have evolved while others have joined. And one, “Mission: Commission,” is breaking new ground.”
The New Yorker
“Mission: Commission”
by Steve Smith - 4/12/21
“Now a new podcast, “Mission: Commission,” illuminates the evolution of three such works, from conception to fruition.”
KMFA89.5 / Staccato
Mission: Commission
by Judlyne Lilly-Gibson - 4/8/21
“There’s more new music coming, borne of the pandemic. This time it’s in the form of a podcast from the Miller Theatre at Columbia University’s School of the Arts.”
Columbia News
Are You Intimidated By Classical Music?
by Eve Glasberg - 4/8/21
“In each episode, listeners get a rare look behind the scenes as an artist creates music—from the blank page through inspiration, risk-taking, and hard work to the finished product.”